Virtual Backgrounds/green screen
under consideration
Skip Shean
... and alpha channels to import things like social media subscribe / follow elements
David Feinstein
Again, this is SUCH a great idea!
PM Team at Descript
under consideration
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Allow virtual backgrounds to be used in SquadCast
Emily Sander
David Feinstein allows you to create a background using AI and then impose the background on a video you have already created (much as Descript's eye contact feature is added after the video was created). It's a great feature and seems so obviously useful.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Video with video mockups for backgrounds
Heidi Winkler
Video within video mockups for background. Whiteboards, giant screens (studio-like) Would be very useful for training and instructional videos..
This would greatly help elevate the look of my professional videos
Joseph DeVenuta
+1 on this! Represents one of the few feature advantages on Loom at this point.