
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


  • Fixes an issue limiting export resolution to 720p on legacy plans




Release Version 94

Move projects to starred folders
We’re continuing the trend of incremental improvements to Drive view and Drive view organizational tools. This update adds a new sidebar header for Starred folders, and the ability to select Starred folders when moving projects.
A new header has been added to the Move panel, with a section for Starred folders so you can find these folders quickly for bulk or individual project moves.
There is an additional dropdown to filter by Drive.
Note: Starring a folder is now done by clicking the Folder icon in Drive view.
Translation w/ dubbing is now in Beta
The Translation Beta is growing, and you can now Translate the audio in your projects to another language in just a few clicks. When you open Underlord and select translate, there is a new toggle labeled Dub speech that will replace the audio track with your selected AI Speaker in your selected language. While Captions are available in all currently supported languages, Translation with dubbing is limited to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish for now.
Expand your audience and impress your friends by giving it a try.
Note: this feature is rolling out to users over the course of a few days, so if you do not see this option yet, check back later this week.
File upload limits
Since we updated our pricing model a few weeks back, we are starting to implement limit checks for some features. Starting in v94, if you try to upload a file that is larger than what your plan allows, you’ll hit this screen with a prompt to upgrade for larger file uploads.
The limits are laid out on our pricing page, but for easy reference, here are the maximum file sizes available at each tier:
Free: 1GB
Hobbyist: 10GB
Creator: 20GB
Business: 50GB
Note: these limits do not effect users on Legacy plans.
For full details on plans and pricing, visit our pricing page.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug causing border stroke to render incorrectly on a Caption's active word
  • Fixed a bug causing the Timeline to zoom when trimming clips
  • Fixed a bug with captions removing the border from Active Words
  • Fixed an issue causing an error when Removing Filler Words
  • Fixed a bug causing Green Screen to fail to remove a background
  • Fixed an issue preventing Flatten Composition from processing in some projects
  • Fixed a bug resulting in "Type inference error: unreachable code received" when adding Titles
  • Fixes a bug causing transcription to arrive with missing punctuation
Descript for Web is officially out of Beta
The future of Descript is happening right now, and we’re taking a moment to make sure you’re up to speed.
A while back we introduced Descript for Web, and in v91, we announced that we had completed Beta testing. The Web version is now in wide release, and you can use it right now. We’ve raised the file size limit from 5GB to 50GB, so there’s nothing in the way of completing projects start to finish on the Web.
This project required rebuilding our media engine from the ground up, allowing us to store your files and stream them back to you without you having to download anything, ever.
Just head to to see for yourself.
Here are just some of the benefits of Descript for Web:
  • Faster transcription processing
  • More responsive editor performance
  • Better media file performance: files play back faster and smoother than Desktop
  • Higher quality file previews during playback (up to 4k in some cases)
  • No app required
  • No waiting for files to download
  • Less reliance on your hardware
  • Hardware acceleration
  • Web recording uploads while you record for near instant processing and playback
But that’s not the best part, we’re also announcing the new and improved Desktop app, that brings all of these improvements into a local package that you can download right now.
Desktop Preview
We’re excited to announce a new pre-release version of the Descript Desktop app. This new version of our Desktop app brings all the benefits of Descript for Web into a local app package.
Click here to Download the new Desktop Preview version of Descript, and here for installation instructions.
This new version of Descript will eventually replace the Desktop app, and you get started with it today. Say goodbye to “A new version of Descript is ready” prompts - in addition to all the benefits listed above, the new Desktop Preview will rarely require you to restart for updates.
You can have both the regular Desktop app and the new Desktop Preview installed at the same time, and switch back and forth without causing compatibility issues.
For both further information, and all current limitations for Descript for Web, and the Desktop preview, please visit our Help Center.




Release Version 93

Descript Labs
Since the launch of Season 6, we’ve seen incredible feedback about the new layout, and we’re confident that the streamlined interface is a major improvement for Descript usability and feature discovery. We want to stay focused on making this version the best it can be, and for this reason we have disabled the Labs toggle that restores the old interface.
If you still have concerns about the update, or feel like you need some more help getting started we have lots of options to get you up to speed:
  • Regular Livestreams with walkthroughs
  • Our Help Center has been updated with full guides for all of the changes
  • Our Community Discord where you can get help from Descript staff and fellow users
  • Our YouTube has also been updated with fresh Season 6 tutorial videos
This concludes all of our experimental feature options within the Labs program for the time being. We’ll let you know when we’ve added new, exciting, pre-release features for you to check out.
Editor updates
There’s only one small change within the Editor itself for version 93:
The “Layout” setting (within the Layer settings menu) has been renamed to “Size and Position” to reduce confusion between it and the concept of Layouts, which refer to elements within Templates. You’ll use the Size and Position interface to do what it says on the label: adjust the size and position of any Layer within your canvas.
Regenerate is out of Beta
Regenerate, our AI-powered tone-fixing, speech enhancing, spoken word replacement tool is officially out of Beta. Seamlessly eliminate any jumpy, abrupt, or awkward parts in their audio recordings, simplifying the process of creating smooth and professional-sounding audio content.
If the Beta tag was giving you pause, or you ran into issues during the Beta, now is the perfect time to give it a try.
Improved multi-select interface in Drive view
We’re making some incremental improvements to the Drive view interface, and with this update we’ve added a new Toolbar that activates when you click the check box next to a project, or select multiple projects.
When a single project is checked, the top bar will change to this display which has controls for: Download, Rename project, Duplicate project, Move project, Copy link to project, and Project access
When you check multiple projects, you’ll be able to use the Move icon to relocate projects in bulk.
Bulk project deletion is still in the works, and we thank you for your patience on that. Data security is a top priority for us, and implementing mass delete in a way that is safe for our users will take just a bit longer.
Plans and Pricing Update
As of July 2nd, 2024, new plan tiers and plan names are going into effect. You can view full details on our Pricing page, but here are the important parts:
  • If you are already on a plan, your features will remain unchanged unless you cancel your subscription or change your plan. These old plans will be referred to as
    plans to keep them separated from the new pricing model.
  • The new plan names are Hobbyist (taking the place of our old Creator Plan,) Creator (taking the place of our old Pro plan,) and a new Business plan which is designed for small to medium teams. It has the highest level of feature support outside of customized Enterprise plans.
  • There are new limits on AI features, storage, file upload and more. These limits are broken down in detail by category on our pricing page. Again, if you are already on a plan, you will keep your existing plan limits. The only exception to that is that the maximum file upload size is now 50GB, even if you are on a Legacy plan.
  • Basic seats: unless you are on a Legacy plan, basic seats are now limited to Business plan users. All other plans can add View members who can View and Comment on projects in the Drive only.
Plan limits
Usage limits on plans is now broken down by feature type. It’s best understood by looking at our pricing table, but we’ll cover how our Underlord features are ranked:
Basic AI Suite
: Underlord actions like Studio Sound, Green Screen, Remove Retakes
  • Hobbyist: 20 uses
  • All higher tier plans: Unlimited uses
Advanced AI Suite
: Eye Contact, and Translate Captions
  • Creator plan and higher only: Unlimited uses
Professional AI Suite
: Translate w/ Correction (upcoming)
  • Business and Enterprise only
For users on Free plans, or newly created Hobbyist and Creator plans, there are new prompts have been added so you can track your use of AI features.
Embedded Video Authentication
For users who embed Descript share pages with Private view settings (aka “Drive access required”) - we now can detect whether the user is logged in to an authorized Descript account with Drive access. If the user playing the embedded video is logged in, the video will play as expected. If they are not logged in, they will be redirected to the main share page and prompted to login first.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue preventing comments from being added to a project
  • Fixed an error "Component cannot be represented by empty string” when using Remove Filler Words
  • Fixed an issue causing comments to be hidden when making long text selections
  • Fixed an issue causing degraded audio after importing a file
  • Fixed a bug causing cursor to jump to the end of a comment box when typing



Release Version 92

We’re taking a breath on major changes as we all settle into the major interface overhaul from our last update. We have some optimizations and improvements upcoming, but for v92 we have mostly focused on fixing bugs, and bringing some Quick Recorder upgrades to Windows.
Automatic Speaker Detection toggle
We've rolled back the change to Automatic Speaker Detection being on by default, and now offer at toggle. If you prefer the old Speaker Detective work flow, including listening to clips and manually labeling, just make sure you keep "Always ask to detect speakers" toggle set to ON.
Quick Recorder upgrades now on Windows
Back in February we launched a number of improvements to the Quick Recorder on MacOS. Today, we’ve finally brought those upgrades to Windows devices.
As a reminder, you’ll see improvements to:
  • Reliability
    : The Quick Recorder will fail less often, and we’ve made improvements to data recovery when recording is interrupted by hardware or software issues.
  • Speed
    : The Quick Recorder now begins uploading your content while you are still recording. When you press Stop, we’ll take you straight to the published share page and playback is available immediately. (There may still be a small delay for Quick Recordings with Studio Sound applied, but support for instant playback on Studio Sounded recordings is coming soon.)
There are two modes:
  • Record and Share
    : Takes you to the Share page with the full video available when you hit Stop.
  • Record and Edit
    : Takes you to a full Project containing the video when you hit Stop.
This also means that we no longer offer a Quick Editor on Windows or MacOS - instead, you can click the Edit button to open a normal Descript project with your Quick Recording.
: We added a Default publishing privacy option to the Settings menu. We recommend choosing a setting due to the new features.
Editor Updates
  • The remove animation button has been removed from within Animation settings, and is only at the top level of the Layer/Scene menu Animation panel.
  • We added a Duplicate option for Sequences in the Project panel → Right-Click menu.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug preventing YouTube import when using condensed or mobile versions of URL
  • Fixed some bugs around using Regenerate near edit boundaries
  • Fixed a bug preventing search for sub-one second timestamps in Search bar.
  • Fixed a bug when clicking a speaker label causing compositions to auto-scroll to the top
  • Fixed an issue causing Text Clip formatting to be altered after an app update
  • Fixed a bug causing Publish page thumbnail preview to be blank after changing it in the Editor
  • Fixed bug preventing audio playback with some Sequences
  • Fixed a bug preventing Scene deletion using the thumbnail right-click menu
  • Fixed a rate-limit issue when trying to transfer project ownership
  • Fixed two export errors resulting in "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')” and "Cannot export: audio is not cached” messages
  • Fixed a bug causing projects to get stuck in Opening Project loading screen permanently
  • Fixed an issue that broke timeline scrolling after adjusting volume keyframes
  • Fixed a bug preventing Project panel Composition and File scrolling in some projects
  • Fixed a bug preventing View Media from showing the correct file
  • Fixes a few more issues with screen recording on the Web.
  • Fixes issues starting or stopping Recordings on Web and Desktop
We have had to re-release patch 91.0.3 in order to resolve a project compatibility issue that some users were encountering. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
If you are prompted to update, please proceed.
  • Fixes a bug causing an app crash when taking some editing actions including trimming clips, and trimming the word bar while having the Scene panel open.
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