Unable to share (or record) audio when screen sharing in Squadcast
Ori Goldstein
In Squadcast, I want to share a screen with a video. I've done it countless times in Zoom / Riverside and you have the option of sharing the Audio from the screen. Squadcast doesn't seem to offer this, so participants SEE the screen, but can't hear the audio from the video - And neither is it recorded.
Barry Joseph
My podcast is about playing audio clips and having people respond to them. There is currently no way to do that in SC. I can't bring in audio to play, for all to hear and to be recorded. And there is no way to share audio from a shared screen.
The Culture
I agree. I would love to see computer audio enabled when screen sharing / recording. This will create the opportunity to make reaction videos. Thank you
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Audio with screenshare
Michael Schweisheimer
Can you please allow us to share audio during a session in Squadcast with screen share? I just had a session where I wanted to get reactions from podcast participants to a recording of a story and the only way I could do that was to playback over my speakers and crank the volume so they could hear through my mic.
Alex Kempkens
I would support this, we like to do this within talks too.
In descript I saw the feature, not sure if this works in our setup.