Tweaks to the Storyboard timeline
Pranav Vishnu
Andrew Mason
ready in storyboard
Colton Schweitzer
Please make it easier to edit audio in storyboard. Many times between scenes, I just want to lower the audio of a voice so I'm not hearing a breath or other sound. I have to create an automation to do that currently. That's time consuming and really frustrating. It should be as easy as dragging the dot to create a fade.
Charlie Harding
I've shared this elsewhere, but want to make sure it is seen. I would really love to see the timeline work better for audio stories. The new dark color palette is too low contrast, and the speaker labels are sandwiched in between text in a way that makes navigating the timeline much more visually confusing.
James K
Middle click to start/stop playback from mouse cursor position will change your life! :)
Andrew Mason
in development
Pranav Vishnu