Transcription glossary
Mike Langford
There are words and names of companies that I use frequently in podcasts. I would love the ability to "teach" the transcription engine to recognize words, names, or phrases.
Example: I host a podcast called the Modern Financial Advisor Podcast by Truelytics.
Your transcription tool translated that to "modern angel adviser podcast by true Linux"
Canny AI
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Updated Transcription Glossary!
Getting more precise auto-generated subtitles by saving the correct spelling and capitalization of the words that are commonly misspelled in the transcript. A more updated and active glossary where the words can be saved and can be updated with new words. Also, an option to type in how the word or words may be commonly misspelled and indicate the correct spelling at the same time when placing the correctly spelled word in the brand glossary. This allows time to be saved on future uploads with similar language when it comes to the transcript.
Canny AI
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Transcripts that learn from our corrections
Christopher Durham
I would love for the transcription to learn the words we use. For intance my wifes name is Laraine but it interprets her name with three of four different spellings. We also us medical terms and drug names alot and it never gets them correct. If we could teach the ai some of these words or better yet it learned from out corrections that would be awesome!
Andrew Mason
This shipped today!
Michael Romanovsky
Andrew Mason: It's just words though. Google's AI transcription system does this too, and it's not very good, although it's better than nothing. Can you make a way for us to add actual audio clips matched with words to help teach the system? The actual audio is far more relevant in this situation.
J Metz
Andrew Mason: W00t! Great news. :) How can I use it?
Don't Worry
Tanina Cadwell
Andrew Mason: Can't express how valuable the transcription glossary has been. We use a lot of uncommon terms and phrases. It'd be great to be able to share the glossary for specific projects, rather than all of them though. (Reason: I stream fantasy ttrpgs and transcribe the streams, but I also want to use this for my work, and don't want to have a whole bundle of fantasy terms in our shared glossary. I could always make a work account as well, but that would be a nuisance of a workaround!)
Since Descript already offers a "Remove filler words...", perhaps engineers there could quickly adapt that feature to offer an additional feature to "
Apply common corrections...
"?Regardless, as noted under a similar request entitled "Have transcript learn from manual edits", I hope this "in progress" feature will track, record and apply (on user's choosing) a list of the user's most frequently performed word replacements or phrase corrections. That would go along way to helping Descript users increase productivity during transcription activities.
Andrew Mason
in development
Blaine Moore
Andrew Mason: Yay! Thanks and looking forward to it...
Andrew Mason
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Frequently used word list
Frank Weiss II
A list of words (often proper nouns) on the right side of the transcript that you can add then quick-select when going through and editing text rather than re-typing the whole word. This is beneficial for longer proper nouns that are frequently misspelled by the AI.
Andrew Mason
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Hint words + audio for AI transcription
Michael Romanovsky
Google's AI transcription allows hint words to be sent to the API. Currently the AI transcription you use isn't good for audio with jargon or technical words. If you added hint words (or hint words + audio clips explaining what they sound like), this would be really good. I haven't seen any app do hints words + audio clips fwiw.
Andrew Mason
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Add/Train Vocabulary to Auto-Transcribe
J Metz
When doing a technical recording, commonly-used words that are often misspelled (Ethan at instead of Ethernet, for instance) become a pain to repetitively correct. It would be good to be able to train vocabulary words into the dictionary to improve auto-transcription accuracy.
Andrew Mason
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Repetitive Spelling Recognition
Dahlia Weinstein
I use certain names, businesses and titles over and over again, but for every new recording I upload, the transcription always spells them incorrectly. It would be great if there was a way to save "commonly used" names, words, phrases, etc. so the transcription program automatically recognizes them.
Andrew Mason
under consideration
Mark Bramhill
Andrew Mason: For those of us who report on technical subjects with lots of jargon, this would really be a life saver!
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