Save Custom Caption Presets
It'd be cool to have your own custom caption presets. I make short video content, and I use separate compositions for each video. It'd be cool if there's a button that imports all the caption settings, including animations, you've been using without manually tinkereing with the settings yourself.
Calvin Correli
Same here. I use the same settings over and over again, and it's not one of the built-in ones.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Captions preset
Laura Heathcote
Please can there be an easy way of saving your preferences for captions settings/effects so they can be quickly and easily applied across a series of lectures
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
save caption presets
Victoria Jameson
i would love to be able to save and apply my caption presets to different projects without having to manually copy and paste settings or customize a preset template
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Save Custom Captions
Adrian Sutter
Ability to load preset custom captions or create in your custom setting but need the ability to save for all projects. The "All scenes" function is great, but not if you have to manually customise the captions on every scene.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Captions Stiles
Design Fivestars
Ability to create custom caption styles a save them with a name