Overdub AI voice that copies inflection & pronunciation of recorded audio.
Jeremy Andrew Davis
Currently when you use overdub to replace your audio with an AI voice, it only lip-syncs. I want to be able to have the AI voice emulate the inflection of the recorded voice, and the pronunciation, and even the accent. This should come with controls so you can tell the AI overdub to copy or ignore inflection, copy or ignore pronunciation, copy or ignore accent or add a different style, etc.
Canny AI
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AI voice modulator "voice changer"
Jeremy Andrew Davis
Due to the fact that the AI voices often mispronounce words or have awkward inflection, a feature where you could record your own voice and replace it with a selected AI voice would be amazing.
TikTok has this feature called "voice changer" where you can apply a "voice" to audio that has been recorded so you no longer sound like yourself but a different 'character'. There are all kinds of styles and voices so you can make yourself sound like a man with a super low voice or a woman with a nasal voice, etc.
Having this ability in Descript would be a game-changer both for pronunciation, pacing, inflection, but to be able to change the sound of someone's voice to sound like a different person.
Canny AI
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Performance cloning
Robert Jackson
It would be great if you had a feature where I record myself, then apply my performance to an AI Voice I created from my library.