Open API access
Canny AI
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Public API
Matt Malone
For Descript to be an true enterprise solution, users need to ability to streamline workflows (for example, sending a full payload of files and auto-create a project, transcribe, etc). Without an API, everything is more manual and time consuming, particularly at scale.
Honza Pobořil
I get timestamps list to cut from the Claude. I would like to use to create projects automatically and cut according to this timestamps.
Support Team
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Get MP3 API's
Pit Mouse
I'm developing an automated tour guide style character that does lipsync. This is being made with Unity Game Engine. I was hoping for future to integrate the MP3's from compositions. Currently I use a webGL build that accesses MP3's via a www URL get. I'd love to be able to access the MP3's to use them from Descript.
craig eley
Could not agree more. Zapier integration is inconsistent, poorly documented, and seems essentially unsupported.
Илья Штоберт
Absolutely! I would even pay more if at least basic editing, transcribing and export options could be programmatically automated via API
Would really find a lot more value from this (already solid) tool if there was programmatic acces. Hoping for an API.