Makeup filters
Ola Kopacz
Please add a makeup filter effect. I film a lot of video and often find myself having to apply makeup just to film, or otherwise I just look washed out. You could add a skin tone smoother, eyeshadow, and some shades of lipstick. These features are already widely used in lots of apps, so it shouldn't be too hard but would make life so much easier for many people, I think.
Yeah the filters are soo good
Touch up filters!
Canny AI
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Please add a "Touch up appearances" filter (like in Zoom) for recording directly on Descript!
Floriaat Bleuin
Your audio recording is SUPERIOR, thank you! All that's missing now is a "Touch up appearances" filter (like in Zoom) when recording on Descript so we can do everything with your App. Please please please add one!!
Katelin Gates
yes please!!!!!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏�
Gabe Michalski
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Recording Effects
Eve Weatherburn
change the video settings before recording on Descript to 'touch up my appearance'? Similar to how you can do this on Zoom.
Gabe Michalski
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Camera settings like Zoom with filter
Sara Herring
Touch up filter
Gabe Michalski
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"Touch up your appearance" like on Zoom
Valerie in Sydney
If Descript offers "Touch up your appearance" when capturing face-to-camera video like Zoom does (where you can use a slider to choose the level of touching up), this is a gamechanger. I'm pretty sure about 50% of the population will love this.
Simone Martens
Agreed, the filters on Instagram are very helpful. Even the ‘touch up my appearance’ feature in Zoom makes the overall look on video seem a lot more professional without having to spend time applying make up.
Canny AI
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Facial Retouch
Funny Medicine Podcast
In order to not have to use an additional app such as CapCut to retouch faces in video projects, a retouch feature that would include smoothing, dark circles, teeth whitening, etc. would be VERY beneficial.
Erin Cotrone
This would be a game changer! Much needed feature as I tend to use Zoom when I want a filter for my video.
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