In Shorten Word Gaps feature, enable distinction between gaps in the middle of sentence versus between sentences
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Shorten word gaps, but PAUSE at the end of sentences. Add a 1 sec freeze frame after each period.
Kevin Holt
I love the shorten word gaps feature. I usually shorten word gaps to 0.05 second (not half a second, but half of 1/10th of a second).
But after applying this edit, the feature makes the speaker take no pause after sentences and paragraphs.
I want to add a freeze frame for half of a second after each period.
Avery Miller
Yes! I've had 5-10 second gaps in the middle of a sentence that don't get flagged as gaps-- this would be awesome.
Brooks Ambrose
Yes, within and between sentences, and even longer between paragraphs, and marker sections. Maybe add option for some random variation so as not to be unnaturally perfect. This would have to be based on manually confirming the transcript, because it would have take the cue from correct punctuation.
Ashley Kolodziej
This would be hugely helpful to me! A separate filter for mid-sentence word gaps would be great.
Matty Dalrymple
I am actually looking for this for the non-Overdub Shorten Word Gaps feature, so that this feature would have the option, for example, to shorten word gaps between sentences to 1 second and to shorten word gaps within a sentence to .5 seconds.
Matty, as Pascal noted (if we're both understanding your request), I think Descript/Overdub implementing SSML tags would get you what you're seeking. For example, to insert a 3 second pause in the Overdub speech output, you would simply insert the markup
<break time="3s"/>
at the desired point in the corresponding text input. More generally, supporting standardized SSML tags in Overdub would enable Descript users easily to see and precisely to apply their desired speech prosody/intonation, tonality/pitch, pause duration, emphasis and phonetic pronunciation. As not to detract from readability, SSML tag visibility should be controlled by way of a keyboard short-cut and/or menu option in Descript.
You support for SSML tagging would, indeed, be appreciated!
Agreed! Addressing your suggestion, 'Frameworks' is recommending (and I am supporting) the use of Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) tags to provide additional control over how Overdub generates speech from the text under a related request here.
Please check it out (and, if that's what you're seeking and if you agree,
please up vote it
:). The feature request is entitled "Provide additional control over how Overdub generates speech from the text (e.g., using SSML tags)" as using such tags would permit tweaking how Overdub generates speech well beyond space (pausing) between words.Frameworks
Pascal: Thanks for the shout-out, Pascal.