Gap toolbar in script (edit word gap and visual offset)
in development
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Matt Collins
Very happy to see this in development. When using AI voices, I actually find the pace of speech to be ok (perhaps slightly too fast), despite other complaints. However, the gap between comma, full stops and line breaks is way too quick by defaults and is time consuming to edit manually.

I agree its too time consuming now. Might as well not use AI voices or clones . There should be some global setting for users to set what their gap timing should be for period, comma, and paragraphs.

Koos Uys
My suggestion is that this can simply be done in text. A coma may have a .5s gap length and a period 1. second. In you want a long gap, you make 2 periods or a period and a comma for 1.5 seconds.
This way you can create a much closer document in a word processor before copying and pasting.
And of course if you use accents on letters or maybe bold text for words where you want the AI put put emphasis on, it would be nice.

Ibrar Ali Tahir

Tania Kotsos
Definitely needs an option to increase the word gap for AI voices that can be applied to all gaps at once, just as you can for shortening word gaps. It would be ideal if you had gap options after commas, after full stops and for paragraphs. Descript AI voices are a class above the competition, but the competition has slower speech which is a big plus. Absolutely needed. Please. AI voices are tooooo fast and this defeats their object. Thank you!

Chris McQueen
Tania Kotsos: I like the idea of adjusting after punctuation! I don't have big issues with this after training my second overdub voice, but it would be nice to have for the rare moments when the overdub voice just feels to fast and breathless.

Ginger Booth
Absolutely needed. Overdub talks way too fast. Also, needs sentence gap vs. paragraph gap standard timings, preferably a random range. Like, 0.4-0.6 seconds after a sentence, 0.7-0.9 seconds after a paragraph, and 0.2-0.3 seconds after comma or close double-quote. And the latter should always be easily adjustible.
Sleep Whispers
Please make it easier to add gaps between sentences! Not just one gap at a time, but all at once.
The overdub voices and stock voices all talk way too fast, this would be an easy way to fix that.
Here is what Descript Customer Service confirmed, "As for changing the pauses between sentences - there isn't currently a way to automatically increase the pause (but we do have a way to shorten word gaps). So at this time, manually increasing gaps is the only way to do it, I'm afraid."
Egad. Please fix this so we can add a set gap between EVERY sentence with one click of a button.
Thank you!!too

Pranav Vishnu
in development

Pranav Vishnu: what is the status of this? This has been in development for ages.
Nicole Berryhill Phd
YES! This would be INCREDIBLY useful, if extended. We're currently in the process of using Overdub to make written coursework available to blind students in my voice. Manually adding gaps between sentences for a long script is extremely time consuming.
My suggestion would be to expand the functionality of the "Shorten Word Gaps" tool, making it a "Manage Word Gaps" tool. Ideally, to include the option to "Insert [input area to define length of desired gap] Between all Sentences". Or (even better) set a "default" word gap preference to apply to all Overdub TTS.
While Descript is indeed a "game changing" tool for all of its' current offerings, I (for one, with many equally interested colleagues) would most certainly continue my Pro Subscription for all eternity with this specific, automated flexibility. This feature request should really be moved to the top of the list. It would have an incredible impact on workflow for those looking to automate this necessary part of using Overdub on lengthy scripts.
If this function already exists in some other format that I'm/we're overlooking, please advise. Otherwise, please provide it in some automated way, perhaps as described above.
Thank you.

Nicole Berryhill Phd: I also have been waiting for this for two years now.

Pranav Vishnu
under consideration

Ibrar Ali Tahir
Pranav Vishnu: give us a solutions