Export Speakers as Individual Multitracks for Separate Audio Processing
Kevin Watkins
Seems Simple. After Editing and labeling speakers, allow us to separate these speakers on export to apply necessary processing to each speaker in our own programs.
If you have labeled 4 Speakers, the multi-track export result should be 4 files of the same length-named after the project, with the speaker name appended to each.
Love this app...it's a complete game-changer for my workflow.
Ben Phelps
This seems like a no brainer - speaker detection already does a great job identifying what can go on each track. At present, it's a highly work-intensive process to manually do this.
Austin Mullins
Yes, this would be so useful and I can't believe it doesn't already exist since the program is so good at identifying the speakers.
Eric Brown
This would be an incredibly useful feature for my post processing and would save me so much time.
Support Team
Merged in a post:
Adjust volume of multiple speakers within one stereo file
Thomas May
I have been given a stereo file with multiple speakers, three speakers, and I need to adjust one speaker's volume. Can they be separated into separate audio files?
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Export Individual Mp3 audio tracks for a podcast
America Adapts
After I've imported two mp3 files into Descript, I edit them and then when I'm done I 'export' them. It merges both of the tracks into one mp3 file. It would be useful if we could export each speaker as an individual track (that are still aligned). That is, I export each as individual tracks and if I were to put them in some other software like audacity, they would still be aligned (but now fully edited). I like to do additional editing with long audio tracks. This would be REALLY useful. Who's on board! Let's vote!
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Isolate Regenerated Clips to Appropriate Track on Export
Marvin Cash
If you have a multitrack project and use Regenerate, on export, the "new" audio clip is written to each exported track as opposed to the track containing the original audio. This introduces cross talk that has to be removed from the final production.
For example, if I have three speakers (Speaker A, Speaker B and Speaker C) and I regenerate a clip related to Speaker A, on export, the regenerated clip will appear on Speaker A, Speaker B and Speaker C's tracks.
This should be correctly automatically on export for those of us who process audio further outside of Descript (Auphonic, etc.). At a minimum, we should get a list of related timestamps to expedite manual clean-up.
Go Team!
Agreed with this as it would be so helpful if we are sending the files off for additional sound design.
Maverick Aquino
100% agree with this. I'm a relatively new to the platform and I was struggling with finding this export option. I'm so used to this being such a basic feature on other platforms / software that I thought it was either just user error or just me being new and missing the option. Hope Descript implements this!
Michael Donaldson
Commenting to bump this up. This seems like a no-brainer to me and would be a huge timesaver rather than having to do the cumbersome workaround that Matt Hayward describes. Fingers crossed that this gets implemented.
"Yup, if the system can recognize multiple speakers (which it can) and the system can separate audio from video (which it can) then the system should have no issues separating multiple speaker audio to create separate tracks for individual appropriate audio treatment in gain, EQ, compression, etc. - I would expect this a priority...in the meanwhile, my less than acceptable work-around for 2 speakers of conflicting gain and EQ was to treat the single audio globally with compression on "easy bass" and limiter on "raised" settings....not ideal but at least gets the gain close to balanced"
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