Expand Model Base Knowledge for Animated Videos
Lilac Dragon
I tried experimenting with the AI Video Maker today and discovered that when it comes to trying to create an avatar for a woman in these videos, despite countless prompt attempts, it was incapable of conceptualizing a woman that does not look like part of a Hentai film. I was trying to create a plus sized female character, and it could not do so at all without over-sexualizing her. Any time I tried to get it to make the character more modest by de-emphasizing boobs or putting on clothing that covered the body, it changed the character entirely and made her slim, with short hair, bangs, and glasses. It literally cannot conceive of a character that resembles anything outside of sexual tropes of women. Frankly, it's disappointing and disgusting. You need to expand the learning base for this to include other versions of women that weren't created purely based on sexual fantasies.