Bulk Transfer of Project Ownership
under consideration
Marketing Team
under consideration
Matt Dyson
I would love to see this implemented for Teams. To be honest, pretty shocked it isn't already in place. How team members come and go should be given a solid look at.
Constantin Weitbrecht
same for giving authorisations, should be bulk
Puppet Mills
When a user is removed from the drive, only the projects in their Private Workspace are deleted. The projects owned by the former drive member in the Drive Workspace will remain in the drive. Drive owners (and Enterprise admins) can move, delete and change ownership of any of the projects in the Drive Workspace.
Jon Libbey
I'd like to second this request. It would be extremely helpful to be able to bulk transfer ownership of projects.
Also Jeff's suggested addition to make a default behavior to bulk transfer all projects to a new owner when a member is removed from the team.
Isaac Jones
Agreed that this feature is absolutely essential. I work for a large organization that is using Descript on multiple discrete teams, and I need to migrate two users from one account to another. I am now left with a hazardous level of busy work in order to retain the projects they created before migrating their accounts. I would like an easy way to view any projects created by a specific user, and have the option to transfer ownership of all of their projects to a different user, AND I would like the ability to migrate their projects to a different account. If the last feature is something that you would prefer not to have available on the user end, it should at least be something that your support team is able to do on my behalf.
I also agree with Jeff Gall below that the current default behavior is the absolute worst possible option. The idea that a user would delete content that exists within my company's account by departing the company is truly dangerous – I can't even imagine anyone would ever prefer to have that as an option to be honest.
Laura Burkhauser
Jeff Gall
This feature is absolutely critical if you want Descript to be a serious tool for production teams. When a team member leaves–or worse, is fired–there must be a way for the drive owner to quickly and easily take ownership of all projects created by the departing member before deleting their account and removing their access to the team.
Or better yet, why not make this the default behavior when a member is removed from the team: Automatically transfer ownership of that member's shared drive projects to the drive owner.
I can't imagine a scenario where a team would want to lose access to any projects when a team member leaves, so the current default behavior of deleting the member's projects seems dangerous.