Automate Markers to chapters for youtube
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Please use the AI show note timestamps for markers
David Beck
The AI show notes feature generates a list of timestamps which are pretty accurate in my experience. It would be nice if these could be automatically turned into markers so they could be exported as chapters.
Gabe Michalski
Add Chapters and generate YouTube description both are compatible with YouTube's chapter system:
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Quick and Easy way to add timestamp markers for chapters.
Best Music Coach
Quick and Easy way to add timestamp markers for chapters for YT + podcasts etc. One way to do this would be to add markers and add text to the markers. Right now the only way I can find to do this is to change speaker but there are overlapping speaker titles (like intro) that don't work accros a large number of projects.
Mokshith Voodarla
Hey! Might be sorta random but we're a developer tool company that works on making it easy to build AI features. Here's a blog we wrote on how Descript or any other company might build this into their products :) Anyone can also use it directly on Sieve if it's a huge pain for you today.
Mokshith Voodarla: Fantastic work man! I hope the team see this. Just had a play around with sieve, you guys are amazing
As far as I can see, this feature is live. When I click Publish -> YouTube, markers with timestamps are included in the description.
BitLift: Awesome - although direct publish to youtube limits the resolution, any other way to extract these timestamps in youtube format?
Esteve Pannetier
This would be soooo useful. Huge saving time. I stream to YT to avoid too much post-editing time, but when i do have to edit via Descript, the tedious bit is adding chapters (they load slowly in the BETA version i am using, the second time-wastage is the re-typing of these timecodes into YouTube.
Scott Hewitt
Yes! I was about to request this as well!
Alessandro Di Ruscio
That would be amazing. It's the same thing I need.