Audiogram templates
in development
Support Team
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Much More Flexible Descript Audiogram
Joseph Friedlander
Request Much More Flexible Descript Audiogram with option to leave out fancy narrating text, custom picture and tract facts and index and chooseable size, exportable directly to YouTube for those whose windows version will not support the video editing in Descript itself I have lots of older lectures with so many errors in transcription that it gets embarrassing but a picture, waveform and multiple text options would be great.
Support Team
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Savannah Webb
More customization across the board. Descript has fallen behind all competition on this. They look cluttered when using custom backgrounds because you can't change size and position of assets. Then the templates they do have are far too simple to stand out on social media. Also the image quality is a disappointment, even on a phone.
Sanjeevany sudha
Hi! I wanted to make the same request. I would love if we could manipulate the shape of the audiogram, but more importantly would love to add 2 or more colors to the audiogram to match brand colors or just distinguish speakers. Thanks.
Edit. I think this might overlap a bit with the feature request for the ability to add gradients option for all places that we can add color to like shapes, captions, text, elements, etc.
Laura Burkhauser
in development
Steve Reed
Absolutely, the audiograms are really cool, I love them, but it would be nice to have some more variety.
Levi Allen
PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE. Even before templates, why not presets? Why not the ability to copy fancy caption properties from one to the next?
Mike Loomis
NEED to be able to create/save templates. It's kind of insane that I need to start from scratch with every audiogram. Thanks!
Emily Robinson
More customization too!
Moumita Paul
Same here. I want to add some custom templates for my audiogram and move around how the captions are displayed. In short- requesting more audiogram customisation features. Descript has only 4-5 audiogram templates. Are you folks planning to introduce such a feature?