Apply Studio Sound to sections of files instead of the entire file
Colton Stollenmaier
I'd love to be able to add/remove Studio Sound for portions of files and recordings. An example of when this might be useful is when Studio Sound doesn't have the desired outcome on sections of your recording. I'm working on a project now where I was tapping a book while I said something about it. Studio Sound did it's best to make this sound smooth, but it isn't perfect so it chopped up what I was saying. I don't want to remove studio sound from the whole file, just this 1 or 2 seconds where it didn't quite perform as we'd hope.
Kasia Stiggelbout
This would probably also apply to scenarios where you have speaker/voice AND music together in a file section - today when you apply studio sound in such cases it just mutes the music... I'd like to optimize the voice! BUT keep the music.
Canny AI
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Turn on/off Studio Sound during a specific scene.
kasey lawrence
I can split my script into different scenes but I can't seem to adjust settings for studio sound for individual scenes. This would be nice to be able to control.
Canny AI
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Studio Sound for Clips
Emily Spigelmire
I would like to be able to remove studio sound from highlighted portions of audio. When the whole project has studio sound applied, most of the laughter and mmhmms, sound funny. I would like to remove the studio sound for these parts of the file. I am able to add studio sound to new overdub audio so why can't I remove it from clips? It would be super awesome to be able to do that.
Daniel Martinez Stahl
One relatively simple solution for this would be to be able to adjust Studio Sound at the Scene level.
If we could turn the Studio Sound on/off at the scene level, and make changes within that scene, all of the requests in this thread could be addressed.
Yes. if you could please add the granularity of selectively applying studio sound to selected sections of script. It would essentially require you to display two audio timelines (for each audio source/file) one for the original audio file and it's edits, waveform, etc and one for the Studio Sound file and it's edits, waveform, etc a marginally more crowded UI, which would require you to rethink the scale of the program in the window sure, but these subtle changes to the architecture over time will hardly be noticed. we're installing updates every couple days anyways.
Harry Luk
yes please
Canny AI
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Studio Sound
Hannah Plopinio
Apply Studio Sound to certain parts of the track only
Canny AI
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Studio sound for part of a project
James Christensen
I want to be able to apply studio sound to one line or paragraph at a time instead of it being applied to the whole project.
Linda Rey
i endorse this message!! hahaha
Canny AI
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Adjust Studio sound separately for each track
Geoffrey Ivan
It would be very helpful if we could adjust the studio sound percentage for each track seperately
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