Release Version 110
Record button in Drive view
There is a new Record button accessible from Drive view. This will open a project with the recorder open, or take you to Rooms when you select Record with others. We added this to make it easier to find our recording capabilities and give users an even faster way to get started.

Publish becomes Export
We’re reposting this from version 109 as we have ramped this change up to 100% of users. A few of the details have also changed so it is worth taking a quick review:
The "Publish" button has been renamed to Export and the selection panel has been rearranged. All of the available options work as they did before but the names are slightly different, for reference:
- The main button is has been relabeled from PublishtoExport.
- The Descript (web link)option will create a Descript share page, if you were mainly using the “Publish” option before, you’ll useDescript (web link)option going forward. This is the first option on the dropdown menu.
- To export the file directly to your device, use the Local downloadoption from the dropdown menu. If you were mainly using the “Export”option in the past, you’ll useLocal downloadgoing forward.

Editor updates
- We have removed the Correction wizard. This was an outdated and under supported tool for making Script corrections. Very few users engaged with it and all the improvements we’ve made to general correction tools have made it obsolete.
- In the past, using Re-transcribe file would use your transcription balance. This is no longer the case, any Re-transcribing a file for any reason will notresult in transcription time being used.
Import from YouTube
We unfortunately had to remove the Import from YouTube option due to changes on Google's end. We are not yet sure if we will be able to bring this feature back but we will keep you updated when we know more.
Rooms updates
Here are the updates we made to collaborative recording with Rooms in v110.
- We added a some new notifications for hosts when a guest has a less-than-stellar connection, or when their upload progress is lagging.

- Guests will now be auto ejected if all of the call owners leave for longer than 2 minutes.
- Rooms will now display upload progress for guests during recordings which can be view from the People tab.
- We added a username display to the guests camera card when their camera is off.
- We fixed a bug effecting echo cancellation.
- We fixed a bug causing upload state to exceed 100% erroneously.
Email verification requirements
We will soon require all users to verify their email address in order to continue using Descript. This should not effect as vast majority of users, who have already verified their email address. However, if you have not yet verified, you’ll receive a banner warning asking you to verify your email address. Please do so a quickly as possible to prevent any interruption when we do eventually enforce this requirement.
Local file storage
Many users have already been moved to an upgraded version of the Desktop application. This newer version provides a host of benefits that improve performance and playback speed. It also completely eliminates the need to store project files locally.
When the upgraded version is downloaded, any files that haven’t finished uploading will be stored for you in a local folder so you can retrieve them as needed.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing the cursor to get stuck when adjusting keyframes
- Fixed a bug causing slide-fades to apply to all clips
- Fixed a bug forcing users to reinstall after updating the app
- Fixed a bug causing local exports to be a black screen
- Fixed a bug preventing the dialog box from changing from Correct to Remove in the word search tool
- Fixed a bug causing waveforms to disappear when zoomed out.