I find that studio sound can make big ducking swings like a boat in the waves. It’s not great for the sound quality so I typically just put it on 40%. I'd love to get that taken care of.
Sometimes, it leaves really high-highs in the volume, which makes the entire episode volume get turned waaaay down. So I need to go in and catch and edit each one down individually. And if I try to fix it with the limiter, it just cuts out the sound completely.
Also- it doesn’t take care of my breathing sounds. Like a nose-breath at beginning or end of a sentence. I have to go in and clip them each and turn them into background noise to get a clean effect without the sound of my voice also dipping.
I am not an expert sound editor but just an expert doing my own podcasts! Which is why I really like the simplicity of a lot of things here on Descript. I'd love Studio sound to be a little more sensitive... but if we turned it into another compressor / EQ/ limiter thing... I won't be able to figure it out. :(