
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


There are a few new features releasing today, and they don't even require you to download an app update. We just turned them on.
New text animations
We’ve added new text animations and animation settings for Title and other text elements.
There are two new presets:
  • Appear
    - Text pops in by word, line, or paragraph.
  • Reveal
    - Text slides in from an invisible frame, by word, line, or paragraph. This includes a directional setting so you can determine if the text is revealed from the left, right, top or bottom.
You can also target most animations by word, by line, or by paragraph.
Easing is applied per word, sentence or paragraph. The overall animation is always on a linear easing curve.
Borders and shadows on media layers
You can now apply borders and shadows to all visual layer types including video.
Borders have their own section in the Layer panel, and Shadows will appear under the Effects header. We are also adding Shadows, toggled off, to all visual layers by default for easy access.




Release Version 97

Zoom and pan animation preset returns
By popular request, we have brought back the zoom and pan preset. Zoom and pan animations could always be performed using a Custom animation, but we’re restored the preset version that already has some level of animation set on the ending keyframe.
AI Usage dashboard admin view
Drive admins can now view the AI suite usage data for Drive members.
The Drive admin will always be the first on the list, followed by all Editor members so you can keep track of users who are close to hitting their limit for AI suite usage.
We’ll show warnings as your approach your limit, and show any features that require an upgrade to unlock. If you are on a plan without limits for a feature, it will permanently show Unlimited in this panel. We’ll add a counter for Unlimited users for tracking purposes in an upcoming update.
New stock speakers
6 new stock voices will be rolling out in the coming days. These voices come with some upgrades which we’ll discuss in more detail in upcoming updates. You can find them in the Stock Speakers menu under these names:
  • Cedric
  • Dolores
  • Imogen
  • Judith
  • Paula
  • Tyler
More voices are also releasing in the coming weeks.
General Editor updates
  • The keyboard shortcuts for add Speaker and add Marker were not working in Write mode. This has been fixed so that Shift + # will add a marker, and Shift + @ will add a speaker.
  • We’ve removed the option to drop files into the Canvas when viewing a blank project. This is because many users were accidentally loading their intended Script track as a layer instead. Once a script track is in place, drag and drop using the Canvas to add a layer is re-enabled. You can also add layers from the Project panel on the sidebar, or by dragging them into the layers section of the timeline.
  • Create speaker will now show in the speaker label menu before any letters are typed. Previously, we would not show this option until text was present in the field.
Bug Fixes
  • Improved aliasing issues when downscaling images and video
  • Fixed an issue with right-click menu appearing in the Import from URL field in the Desktop app
  • Fixed a bug causing an “error changing text” when trying to add a video sequence to a composition
  • Fixed a bug causing an “invariant Violation: expected start <== end” error when attempting to export or publish a translated composition
  • Fixed a bug resulting in a “CollectionID” error when using translation w/ dubbing
  • Fixed a bug causing adding a name to fail to apply when identifying speakers
  • Fixed a bug preventing YouTube videos with longer names to import successfully with a “something went wrong” error
  • Fixed a bug preventing click and drag to change EQ parameters
Welcome to Descript Season 7 — our love note to video and audio podcasters. We’re launching some new features to help round out your workflows, and highlighting the ways these features integrate seamlessly with our most powerful features for podcasters of all stripes. There’s also some quality of life improvements and of course bug fixes.
Everyone is invited to join us for the Season 7 virtual event, two weeks from today. Save your spot here.
With that out of the way, let's talk about what's new this week.
Import from Zoom
Descript now has an integrated connection with your Zoom account, allowing you to import Cloud recordings directly into the Editor. We highly recommend reviewing the help center for full details on setup, optimal settings, and troubleshooting options.
Accounts can be connected through the Settings menu → Connected accounts page, or by clicking the Import from Zoom button in a project. You’ll be prompted to verify your Zoom credentials, and once you’ve got the accounts connected you’re all set to start importing.
Clicking the Import from Zoom button will show you a chronological list of all of your Zoom cloud recordings. After import, Descript smartly builds the project into a Sequence file. Any video files that have an embedded audio in addition to an associated audio file will be muted to prevent duplicate audio. A major timesaver for podcasters and educators who record in Zoom.
Note: You can only access recordings made within the last 12 months through the import tool. Any recordings older than 12 months will need to be downloaded and imported manually.
AI Usage monitoring in Settings
We’ve added new AI usage trackers to the Settings menu, so you can better monitor your remaining AI suite balances. We’ll show your remaining uses, and when you’re getting close to your limit we’ll highlight the category with an hourglass icon. Advanced AI Suite options are available for Creator plans and above. You can upgrade from this menu with a few clicks if you want to give them a try.
Edit for clarity now more (or less) intense
There’s a new intensity slider when using Edit for clarity which increases or decreases the aggressiveness of edits. Use the Heavy setting to remove more filler words and cut more digressions, or use the Low setting for a lighter editing pass.
Announcing Descript Rooms (beta)
Rooms is a fully integrated collaborative recorder developed by SquadCast and Descript engineers.
It’s launching as a closed beta during Season 7 which you can sign up for at this link. We’ll also be onboarding users in waves as the beta progresses.
The Rooms recorder brings the best features of SquadCast into Descript, while adding and improving upon the formula. It’s built on a new engine that makes throttling streaming quality in favor of high quality source recordings more flexible and more reliable. Rooms will also include virtual backgrounds, instant imports into Descript, support for joining via mobile, and better file recovery and file integrity protections.
We’ll post updates as the soon as the beta starts rolling out.
Flatten Tracks on Web and Desktop preview
You can now use the flatten tracks function on the Web, and in the Desktop preview version of Descript. It runs a bit faster than it does on regular Desktop, and has a progress meter.
The flattened track is built locally, and uploaded once it has completed. We’ll keep the file handy in case you run into connection issues during the uploading phase.
Regenerate with Sequences
Regenerate can now work over Sequences, neatly re-timing the video content to match the new length of the regenerated speech, just the same way it works when you use it on single file.
Editor updates and quality of life improvements
  • The Title field has been added back to Compositions so you can update the title without clicking through the menu on the top bar
  • Clicking to drag a layer now works even if you currently have a lower-level layer actively selected.
  • We improved some issues related to layers moving when selected, so it will be less sensitive when you're
    intending to move a layer
  • We made improvements to layer resizing so that the transitions are smoother with less jumps in size
  • We’ve added VP9 to the list of unsupported video codecs
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue updated project thumbnails were delayed in Drive view when selecting a custom option
  • Fixed a bug where deleting the first character in a marker deleted the entire marker
  • Fixed an export bug resulting in "Cannot export: Encoding error (failed to initialize video encode accelerator.)” error
  • Fixed an export bug resulting in “Cannot export: got negative audio decode offset” error
  • Fixed an issue preventing opacity adjustments using the canvas text-box tool
  • Fixed a bug resulting in “Error changing text” message when shortening all word gaps
  • Fixed a bug where the Update button would not changed to Published after updating a published page
  • Fixed a bug resulting in bulk Composition exports with incorrect aspect ratios
  • Fixed a bug where layers would duplicate instead of drag
  • Fixed a bug when resizing layers while maintaining current aspect ratio causing the resize to fail when letting go of the mouse
  • Fixed a bug preventing crop and maintain aspect ratio to fail




Release Version 95

Version 95 is a relatively small update that is largely focused on bug fixes, an update on plan limits, and some improvements to Automatic multicam.
Automatic multicam now with automated reaction cutaways
The improved Automatic multicam comes with two settings:
  • Automatic -
    which allows Underlord to show multiple speakers at the same time during back-and-forth conversations, and will include reaction cutaways to your other speakers during longer sections of unbroken monologue. This setting also includes a Frequency selector to fine tune these cutaways.
  • Show active speaker only
    - which is the classic automatic multicam setting. It will only focus on the current speaker for each cut. This setting also allows you to add Templates.
setting allows you to adjust the amount of Cutaways with three options:
  • Occasional
    - Scenes will have a maximum duration of 30 seconds, with a 3 second cutaway for monologues that exceed 30 seconds.
  • Frequent
    - Scenes will have a maximum duration of 10 seconds, with a 3 second cutaway for monologues that exceed 10 seconds.
  • None
    - No reaction cutaways, but will still cut to multi-speaker view when back-and-forth conversation occurs.
We’ve also added a Camera setup tool so you can make sure your Speaker labels are assigned to the correct camera tracks.
Coming soon: the ability to add templates when using the
File upload speed boost on Web
Our engineers introduced some backend changes that will increase the speed of file uploads when using Descript for Web, or the Desktop Preview version of Descript.
Underlord usage limits
Users on Free, Hobbyist, and EDU plans will encounter some new metering and enforced limits on Underlord actions in accordance with our recent pricing updates.
When you use an AI suite feature (i.e. Underlord) you’ll see a counter at the top of the menu showing the number of uses you have remaining. We’ll also flash a warning when you get close to using up your allotment.
Remove Filler Words and Shorten Word Gaps work on a per-composition basis. So once you’re unlocked it with a use, you’ll still be able to access and action the search results in that composition indefinitely.
Note: These limits do not effect users on Legacy plans, or users on Creator plans and above.




Release Version 94

Move projects to starred folders
We’re continuing the trend of incremental improvements to Drive view and Drive view organizational tools. This update adds a new sidebar header for Starred folders, and the ability to select Starred folders when moving projects.
A new header has been added to the Move panel, with a section for Starred folders so you can find these folders quickly for bulk or individual project moves.
There is an additional dropdown to filter by Drive.
Note: Starring a folder is now done by clicking the Folder icon in Drive view.
Translation w/ dubbing is now in Beta
The Translation Beta is growing, and you can now Translate the audio in your projects to another language in just a few clicks. When you open Underlord and select translate, there is a new toggle labeled Dub speech that will replace the audio track with your selected AI Speaker in your selected language. While Captions are available in all currently supported languages, Translation with dubbing is limited to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish for now.
Expand your audience and impress your friends by giving it a try.
Note: this feature is rolling out to users over the course of a few days, so if you do not see this option yet, check back later this week.
File upload limits
Since we updated our pricing model a few weeks back, we are starting to implement limit checks for some features. Starting in v94, if you try to upload a file that is larger than what your plan allows, you’ll hit this screen with a prompt to upgrade for larger file uploads.
The limits are laid out on our pricing page, but for easy reference, here are the maximum file sizes available at each tier:
Free: 1GB
Hobbyist: 10GB
Creator: 20GB
Business: 50GB
Note: these limits do not effect users on Legacy plans.
For full details on plans and pricing, visit our pricing page.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug causing border stroke to render incorrectly on a Caption's active word
  • Fixed a bug causing the Timeline to zoom when trimming clips
  • Fixed a bug with captions removing the border from Active Words
  • Fixed an issue causing an error when Removing Filler Words
  • Fixed a bug causing Green Screen to fail to remove a background
  • Fixed an issue preventing Flatten Composition from processing in some projects
  • Fixed a bug resulting in "Type inference error: unreachable code received" when adding Titles
Descript for Web is officially out of Beta
The future of Descript is happening right now, and we’re taking a moment to make sure you’re up to speed.
A while back we introduced Descript for Web, and in v91, we announced that we had completed Beta testing. The Web version is now in wide release, and you can use it right now. We’ve raised the file size limit from 5GB to 50GB, so there’s nothing in the way of completing projects start to finish on the Web.
This project required rebuilding our media engine from the ground up, allowing us to store your files and stream them back to you without you having to download anything, ever.
Just head to to see for yourself.
Here are just some of the benefits of Descript for Web:
  • Faster transcription processing
  • More responsive editor performance
  • Better media file performance: files play back faster and smoother than Desktop
  • Higher quality file previews during playback (up to 4k in some cases)
  • No app required
  • No waiting for files to download
  • Less reliance on your hardware
  • Hardware acceleration
  • Web recording uploads while you record for near instant processing and playback
But that’s not the best part, we’re also announcing the new and improved Desktop app, that brings all of these improvements into a local package that you can download right now.
Desktop Preview
We’re excited to announce a new pre-release version of the Descript Desktop app. This new version of our Desktop app brings all the benefits of Descript for Web into a local app package.
Click here to Download the new Desktop Preview version of Descript, and here for installation instructions.
This new version of Descript will eventually replace the Desktop app, and you get started with it today. Say goodbye to “A new version of Descript is ready” prompts - in addition to all the benefits listed above, the new Desktop Preview will rarely require you to restart for updates.
You can have both the regular Desktop app and the new Desktop Preview installed at the same time, and switch back and forth without causing compatibility issues.
For both further information, and all current limitations for Descript for Web, and the Desktop preview, please visit our Help Center.




Release Version 93

Descript Labs
Since the launch of Season 6, we’ve seen incredible feedback about the new layout, and we’re confident that the streamlined interface is a major improvement for Descript usability and feature discovery. We want to stay focused on making this version the best it can be, and for this reason we have disabled the Labs toggle that restores the old interface.
If you still have concerns about the update, or feel like you need some more help getting started we have lots of options to get you up to speed:
  • Regular Livestreams with walkthroughs
  • Our Help Center has been updated with full guides for all of the changes
  • Our Community Discord where you can get help from Descript staff and fellow users
  • Our YouTube has also been updated with fresh Season 6 tutorial videos
This concludes all of our experimental feature options within the Labs program for the time being. We’ll let you know when we’ve added new, exciting, pre-release features for you to check out.
Editor updates
There’s only one small change within the Editor itself for version 93:
The “Layout” setting (within the Layer settings menu) has been renamed to “Size and Position” to reduce confusion between it and the concept of Layouts, which refer to elements within Templates. You’ll use the Size and Position interface to do what it says on the label: adjust the size and position of any Layer within your canvas.
Regenerate is out of Beta
Regenerate, our AI-powered tone-fixing, speech enhancing, spoken word replacement tool is officially out of Beta. Seamlessly eliminate any jumpy, abrupt, or awkward parts in their audio recordings, simplifying the process of creating smooth and professional-sounding audio content.
If the Beta tag was giving you pause, or you ran into issues during the Beta, now is the perfect time to give it a try.
Improved multi-select interface in Drive view
We’re making some incremental improvements to the Drive view interface, and with this update we’ve added a new Toolbar that activates when you click the check box next to a project, or select multiple projects.
When a single project is checked, the top bar will change to this display which has controls for: Download, Rename project, Duplicate project, Move project, Copy link to project, and Project access
When you check multiple projects, you’ll be able to use the Move icon to relocate projects in bulk.
Bulk project deletion is still in the works, and we thank you for your patience on that. Data security is a top priority for us, and implementing mass delete in a way that is safe for our users will take just a bit longer.
Plans and Pricing Update
As of July 2nd, 2024, new plan tiers and plan names are going into effect. You can view full details on our Pricing page, but here are the important parts:
  • If you are already on a plan, your features will remain unchanged unless you cancel your subscription or change your plan. These old plans will be referred to as
    plans to keep them separated from the new pricing model.
  • The new plan names are Hobbyist (taking the place of our old Creator Plan,) Creator (taking the place of our old Pro plan,) and a new Business plan which is designed for small to medium teams. It has the highest level of feature support outside of customized Enterprise plans.
  • There are new limits on AI features, storage, file upload and more. These limits are broken down in detail by category on our pricing page. Again, if you are already on a plan, you will keep your existing plan limits. The only exception to that is that the maximum file upload size is now 50GB, even if you are on a Legacy plan.
  • Basic seats: unless you are on a Legacy plan, basic seats are now limited to Business plan users. All other plans can add View members who can View and Comment on projects in the Drive only.
Plan limits
Usage limits on plans is now broken down by feature type. It’s best understood by looking at our pricing table, but we’ll cover how our Underlord features are ranked:
Basic AI Suite
: Underlord actions like Studio Sound, Green Screen, Remove Retakes
  • Hobbyist: 20 uses
  • All higher tier plans: Unlimited uses
Advanced AI Suite
: Eye Contact, and Translate Captions
  • Creator plan and higher only: Unlimited uses
Professional AI Suite
: Translate w/ Correction (upcoming)
  • Business and Enterprise only
For users on Free plans, or newly created Hobbyist and Creator plans, there are new prompts have been added so you can track your use of AI features.
Embedded Video Authentication
For users who embed Descript share pages with Private view settings (aka “Drive access required”) - we now can detect whether the user is logged in to an authorized Descript account with Drive access. If the user playing the embedded video is logged in, the video will play as expected. If they are not logged in, they will be redirected to the main share page and prompted to login first.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue preventing comments from being added to a project
  • Fixed an error "Component cannot be represented by empty string” when using Remove Filler Words
  • Fixed an issue causing comments to be hidden when making long text selections
  • Fixed an issue causing degraded audio after importing a file
  • Fixed a bug causing cursor to jump to the end of a comment box when typing
Descript Season 6
Welcome to version 91, the beginning of Descript Season 6. The first thing you will notice is a reorganization of the Descript interface, which allows us to make room for exciting new features launching today, and those to come throughout the season. There is a lot to cover, so feel free to skip to the updates you find most interesting, or watch the walkthrough videos provided below.
With that disclaimer out of the way, let’s cover what is changing today.
What’s Moving Where? A high-level overview
The first thing to notice is that the Top Toolbar has been cleaned up, and many of the most useful features have migrated to the new and improved sidebar menu. The goal of all of these updates is to make it faster and easier to find the tool you need when you need it.
  • We’ve added a Home button to the top bar that takes you back to Drive view.
  • The D-logo menu has been replaced with a hamburger menu, but the contents are the same.
  • The project management drop-down and Composition drop-down remain on the Top Bar but are centered.
  • The Media Library, Record button, Text, Shapes, and Templates are all now on the righthand sidebar.
  • Media is now the Project panel and contains all of your project files, Compositions, AI Speaker files, and Sequences.
  • The Action bar is now all contained with the Underlord panel and includes classic tools like Studio Sound, and Green screen, as well as a host of AI tools to enhance your workflow.
  • Scene properties has its own icon on the sidebar where you can apply templates, backgrounds, effects, and transitions directly to a scene.
  • Layer properties has its own icon where you can apply effects, adjust layouts, add animations, and more.
  • The Record panel works exactly as it did in the past, now on the righthand sidebar.
  • The new Elements panel combines shapes, dynamic text, waveform/progress bar animations, annotations, overlays, and frames.
  • Captions is now a separate panel, with new styles, and a current scene/all scene toggle
  • Stock Media has been separated into the visual Media panel and audio SFX and Music in the Music panel.
  • The Jump to Marker button has moved from the top of the Script down to the Marker icon next to the Play controls panel (just above the Timeline.)
For more information on the new layout, click here.
Introducing Underlord
Meet your new production sidekick. We’ve moved Descript’s most powerful AI features and tools into one convenient location on the sidebar. Underlord replaces the Actions bar as well as consolidating easy-to-access features to help you look good, sound good, repurpose, publish, and write content.
Sound Good
The Sound Good section has all the tools you need to clean up your audio, refine your script, and get organized with chapters.
Edit for clarity
- Quickly remove filler words and cut down on fluff content in your projects.
Studio Sound
- Make your spoken word audio sound more professional. One of our oldest and most reliable tools.
Remove filler words
- The classic tool removes your ums, uhs, and other stammer words.
Remove retakes
- Have AI remove all of your repeated takes.
Shorten word gaps
- Trim all the gaps between words to make your content snappy.
Add chapters
- Have AI automatically add helpful chapter titles and markers to your project.
Look Good
The Look Good section contains tools to improve the visual styling of your project, correct eye contact, and replace backgrounds with automatic Green Screen
Eye Contact [Beta]
- Automatic eye contact to keep your peepers focused on the camera (even if you’re reading from a script.) This feature is in beta so some errors are expected.
Center active speaker [Beta]
- Keeps the camera centered on the current speaker. Great for vertical versions of horizontal videos. This feature is in beta so some errors are expected.
Green screen
- Automatic background replacement even if you don’t have a physical green screen.
Automatic multicam
- Assign multicam settings by active speaker with a single click.
Generate an image
- Image generation powered by DALL-E.
The Repurpose section is designed to get you high-quality promotional content quickly, featuring Underlord actions to Create Clips, Highlight Reels, and Translate captions.
Create clips
- Our new clip creation workflow, Underlord finds the best moments and automatically applies templates and layouts. Quickly create your social media clips with just a few clicks.
Create highlight reel
- Let Underlord compile the best moments that tell the story of your project and apply templates for quick creation of vertical videos.
Find highlights
- Find all the best bits that represent the through line of your content.
Translate Captions [Beta]
- Underlord translates your captions into any supported language for Export and Publishing. This feature is still in Beta so errors are expected in some cases.
The Publish section is there to deal with the most tedious steps at the end of any project, creating summaries, show notes, YouTube descriptions, and more.
Draft a title
- Generate a title based on your content.
- Quickly and concisely summarize your content.
Show notes
- Generate podcast-style show notes in a single click.
YouTube description
- Create a YouTube description with chapter markers.
Draft a social post
- Let Underlord act as your marketing intern and write catchy, engaging social media posts.
Draft a blog post
- Convert your project into a written post.
The Write section contains our most powerful content generation features, where you can ask Underlord to Write, Brainstorm with you, Outline a script, or Rewrite your script.
- Let Underlord help you get started by asking it questions, or prompting it to ask you.
Write a script
- Task Underlord with generating a script on any topic, in any style, for any audience.
Write an outline
- Generate an outline on any topic and fill in the rest yourself.
- Ask Underlord to create a new draft of your script.
Custom Prompts
Ask Underlord to try anything. Just type in what you’d like Underlord to do in your project and hit enter. We can’t guarantee that every custom Underlord request will work perfectly, but we expect the quality of custom results to improve over time.
The new and improved sidebar
Most of what you’ll find on the new sidebar are features from the top toolbar, but there are a few notable changes worth explaining.
The project panel is where you manage compositions and files within your project. The stock media libraries have been separated into their own sections so we’ll cover those later. From the Project panel, you can:
  • Upload files from your Desktop, or from a URL (including drag and drop)
  • Search files
  • Create folders or Sequences
  • Add compositions and composition folders
  • And more…
The new Scene panel is where you can adjust properties and add templates to a Scene within your project. From this panel you can:
  • Choose a template for your scene
  • Adjust scene duration
  • Add backgrounds, effects, and transitions
  • View all layers contained within a scene and navigate to layer properties
The Layer panel covers all of your properties for individual content layers including the Script, media files, audio tracks, sequences, shapes, and more. You’ll find:
  • A current scene / all scenes toggle to adjust a layer in one section or throughout the entire project
  • Adjust layer duration, layout, opacity, and multicam selections
  • Add audio effects, video effects, and animations
  • Navigate to other layers within your project
  • Text, and dynamic text
  • Shapes
  • Waveforms and progress bars
  • Annotations, overlays, and frames
Captions now have their own panel, with new styles, and animated previews so you can choose the best style for your project.
The media panel contains our all of our supplementary video libraries:
  • Stock video
  • Stock images
  • GIPHY stickers
  • Background
  • Stock images by
This panel contains our audio libraries with:
  • Stock music
  • Stock sound effects
New AI tools in Underlord
Create Clips and Highlight reels
Making clips in Descript is easier and more customizable than ever with our new Create Clips workflow. Using our clip-selection AI tools, you can select the topic, number of clips, clip duration, and apply templates to selected clips. It will then create Compositions for each clip that you can navigate through from the sidebar. Each clip receives a rating, and details on why our AI selected that specific clip.
Clips can then be rejected or replaced allowing for a much smoother clip-selection workflow.
Automatic Multicam
Let Underlord arrange your Multicam display automatically, applying custom layouts and focusing on active conversations when multiple speakers are present.
Translate Captions
Automatically translate your captions into any supported language to quickly expand your target audience for any project.
Blank projects, Import from YouTube, and Publish to Google Drive
The New Blank Slate
We’ve updated the interface when you start a new project to make it easier to take your first few steps. The upload button is front and center, followed by a new Video link option that we will cover below. You can also click Start Writing to type directly into the Script, Record directly into the Script, or start with a Template. Copying and pasting from other projects or documents also works just as smoothly as ever.
Import media from a YouTube and GIPHY
You can now import video content directly from a YouTube or GIPHY link, this has been a long sought-after feature and makes pulling in reference material, b-roll, and anything else, a snap.
Publish to Google Drive
We’ve added the ability to Publish your files directly to Google Drive to make collaborating with non-Descript users or anyone else as smooth as collaborating in the app. As with all publishing options, this requires that you also Publish to a Descript share page, but luckily this happens automatically any time you use an outside publishing option. We’ll also be adding the ability to publish to a specific Google Drive folder soon.
New Timeline and Canvas tools
The new and improved timeline features a clearer visual design, making it easier to tell your layers and media files apart. Improvements include:
  • Layers now have larger content thumbnails and always-visible layer names
  • Choose from default and large layer heights
  • The timeline is now vertically scrollable
Canvas selection tools and improved toolbars
We've made some improvements to the Canvas and canvas toolbars. This selection improvement allows you to choose in which scenes your layer property changes—like size, layout, position, and more will take effect. You can apply changes across all scenes the layer appears in, or limit the changes to just the current scene.
The canvas toolbar that appears when you select a layer has been reworked to make the most powerful tools easier to find and provide options to edit Effects, Animations, captions, and more.
Descript for Web is here
The Descript for Web beta is complete, and we’re making it available for everyone. With the addition of a Recorder - Descript for Web is now feature complete, matching all of the power of the Desktop version in the convenience of your browser window. Please see this article for all current limitations.
Future Limits on AI Features
As a friendly note, we are revamping our prices and subscription tiers on July 2nd, 2024. Now that our AI features are mostly out of Beta, some usage limitations will be added at different subscription levels.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue opening the Media drawer when clicking View Media
  • Fixed an issue causing layers to disappear when dragging them on top of another layer




Release Version 90

Welcome to version 90 of Descript.
We have a few small changes to the Speaker labeling workflow, the Editor recorder workflow, and a few bug fixes. Also, the team has been cooking up some new and exciting experiments in Descript Labs.
Automatic Speaker Detection
The speaker detective will now run automatically when you import a file. You no longer have to manually initiate, provide a speaker count, or guess at how many speakers you have if you don’t already know. Each speaker will be labeled with a generic label (Speaker 1, 2, 3 etc.) You can then rename them using the speaker label menu.
This change is rolling out slowly, so if you don’t see it right away it should be enabled for you within a few days.
Editor Recorder Smart Settings
The Editor recorder will now use your selection context to decide where to place your recording. We’ve replaced the Selection dropdown with a smart system that records based on what you currently have selected:
  1. To record into the Script, place your playhead at the desired start point in the Script
  2. To replace existing media with a recording, just highlight the desired section of the Script
  3. To record as a layer, select the desired destination Scene for that new recorded layer.
New Labs Features
Several new features have been added to Descript Labs. You can opt-in or opt-out at any time by opening
Settings → General → Labs
and toggling on
New Editor Layout and Underlord.
This will toggle ON all existing Labs features when it is active, so if you only want the New Timeline experience and Canvas selection tools, be sure to toggle
New Editor Layout and Underlord
to OFF.
Underlord + Labs
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue causing abnormal file sizes after exporting normalized audio
  • Fixed a bug that removed markers and chapters from exported .mp3 files
  • Fixed a bug resulting in Sequences being generated without prompting when importing multiple files
  • Fixed a “Decoding error” when initiating playback on the Web editor
  • Fixed a “Too many frame fills” error when initiating playback on the Web editor
  • Fixed an issue causing some users to see overlapping Descript logo and Sync tray when in Drive view
Here's what's new in version 89 of Descript:
New Security Tools for Enterprise Admins
Enterprise Drive Owners and Drive Admins can now place limits on Publishing to prevent Drive members from publishing Public links and restrict whether published projects will appear in search engine results.
These tools are only available to Owners and Admins on
Enterprise Drives
and can be found under the Settings menu → Subscriptions → Publish Privacy Options.
Descript for Web now with Recording (Beta)
The Descript for Web beta has been upgraded with a recorder. This recorder works almost identically to the in-app equivalent with a few limitations. You’ll need to select “Allow” when your Descript asks for permission to use your Microphone and Camera.
A reminder: Descript for Web is still in Beta, so some bugs are to be expected.
Speaker Labeling Update Coming Soon
This hasn’t changed yet, but we wanted to give you a heads up: Starting in version 90, to simplify some of the interface, we’re removing the Speaker labeling toggle that appears when you use the Speaker label menu to change speakers in a Composition. After v90, changing a label using the speaker menu will always apply until the next Speaker change.
To change the label on a specific selection only, such as a single sentence or paragraph, you can highlight that range and use the ellipses menu […] or the keyboard shortcut Shift+@. We recommend adopting this workflow in advance to get used to it.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Replacing Script Track would reset or change layers
  • Fixed an issue where editing Script track changes layer positions
  • Fixed a bug resulting in a “Drive Failed to Install” error when enabling computer audio in the Editor Recorder
  • Fixed a newer bug resulting in “Error changing text” message when copy and pasting from the Script
  • Fixed bug causing Descript to exit full-screen mode when initiating a recording
  • Fixed a bug causing the Show Notes AI Action to lose timestamps when Wordless media and Ignored text were present
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